Tuesday, October 21, 2008

for reasons unknown

everything happen for a reason, but for blogging this crap, sincerely speaking i don't have any solid reason, but deep inside me say why not become a blogger, isi masa lapang beb, xkan nk type report je memanjang, akademik abis, sudah2 la wat repot tu, enjoy your university life while you can

semalam, tym aku borak2 ng thaqif, tgh dia kalut2 iron baju tuk interviu shlumberger, ttba aku tertanya pasal blog dia yg lama tak update tu, actually i'm not your blog’s follower ok, i 'm just recently so curious to read your blog and others for reasons unknown, rs cam best lak baca org merepek sana sini, and i’m feeling that i should be one too.

pastu jamel, also preparing for his shlumberger interview, dtg mencelah, ‘blogging is gay’, pahal budak ne, ttba dtg and create such a controversial statement, tp aku rs lawak lak dgr ayat tu, xphm cmn nk relatekn blogging ng gay, bila aku tny, jamel ckp tatau, berger yg ckp katany, dem, klu tny berger sure dia ckp kong lak yg ckp, tiada kesudahan.. cmn nk interpret depend on masing2ny view, benda tu subjektif, ada org ckp gay = happy, so literally blogging is happy, whatever, i don’t give a damn

hours later, thaqif dtg lg menyemak, nk iron baju lg katany, rupa2ny dpt g interviu 2ndstage, well done bro, “apa dia tny td tym interviu?” aku buat2 interested, "What do you do mostly with the internet?" pergh, klu kena soalan tu tym interviu, bertelo aku nk jwb, “um..um..hari2 saya buka email, baca paper online, pastu bukak frenster reply comments, some sort of things” such a boring life you have, bek aku jd cam thaqif, "I like to read people’s blog, whether it is about those political shit, technical matters or just for entertainment, and it is such a pleasure for me doing things that I love” power gila aku sbb leh karang balik ayat mamat yg bertanya kepada Dr M hr tu, tp aku tau ayat ko for sure gempak lg, klu tak, manakan dptny g 3rd stage, best of luck to you bro..but you see what I mean, blogging is not just ‘gay’ but also beneficial to you in many ways

so, boys and girls, let’s join me and others, expressing our idea and opinion through blogging, and explore together the benefits it has to offer..you’re such a pure inspiration man, nyampah aku

P/s: semua g interview, aku sorg je x g, pasrah menunggu petronas


thaqifroslim said...


WoW! Tahniah kerana berjaya mambuka sebuah blog. Haha...

Nice & interesting 1st post! Like you said, you'll never know where blogging could take you to...

By the way, I'll link ur blog to mine.

Unknown said...

salam hanif. dah lama tak dengar khabar. alih2 jumpa dalam blogging arena plak.

na n ni said...

nice one for d 1st post..
me suke bace blog org,but nk wat blog snirik..erks..
mungkin akan dfikirkn..
neway,1 new blog added to my list..

hana said...

oh, anip dh ada blog.

suka2~ i do enjoy read, review , shout out, n comment to all kinds of blogs :)

conteng2 lagi and i'll be back :D

theo_cojek said...

Mat Nip...
Good job bro...
Once sum1 yg ang admirer sgt tu baca...leleh beb!!!!
Why don't u express ur feeling inderectly to her through this blog..
No one know..tup2 suddenly she got ur message...hehe gud luck bro.. ;)

Unknown said...

hahaha.. sume na comment~ wow~~ rajen kamu~ :0 haha